At the end of another lengthy Hadeeth, the Holy Prophet (s) said:"Ali is from me and I am from Ali and after me he is the guardian (Wali) of every true believer."We have taken this Hadeeth from the following revered Sunni works:
Sunan Tirmidhi, volume 2, page 298, published in Egypt.
Mishkaat al Masabeeh, page 564, published in Delhi.
Mustadrak al-Hakim, volume 3, page 111, published by Daira al-Ma'arif, Hyderabad Deccan.
Marqaat Sharh Mashkaat, volume 11, page 340, published in Multan.
Sawaiq al-Muhriqa, page 122, published in Egypt.Imam Tirmidhi himself has said "The Hadeeth is Hasan [sound]" in Sunan Tirmidhi, volume 2, page 298 as has Allamah Dhahabi in Meezan al-E'tidaal, volume 1, page 410.This Hadeeth of the Holy Prophet (s) says that without the acceptance of Imam Ali's (as) Wilayat, no one's faith can be perfected. The Shi'a of Maula 'Ali, accordingly recite and declare the Wilayat of Ali (as) in our Kalima and Adhan for the perfection of our faith, why does it bother the so-called Muftis?
Hazrat Fatima tuz Zehra(Salamullah Alyha)

Saturday, April 19, 2008
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